All are welcome here!

A faithful, loyal  and  growing United Methodist congregation where you are welcome! 

We strive to be a safe harbor of grace by faith in Christ, making disciples for the transformation of the world.

4208 Third St., Walnut Springs, Texas

Worship Sundays 9:00am

Special messages for the season of Lent. Sundays at 9am

 Lent Bible Study

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Vacation Bible School was a blast

Who we strive to be

About Us


Sunday mornings at 9:00am we gather to worship God together through music, prayer and a relevant message. Holy Communion is shared the first Sunday of each month.


Rev. Don Moore comes to Walnut Springs, having served in ministry within the United Methodist Church for 22 years. He and his wife Wynn have been married for 33 years. They live in Clifton with 1 dog, 2 cats and 1 chicken and 2 tanks of tropical fish, He also serves as pastor of First United Methodist Church of Clifton. 

We are thankful to be a part of the United Methodist Church.

We believe in diversity living in unity through Christ. 


Contact Pastor Don at